When the time comes to write a quick message on a greeting card, whether it’s for a birthday, a wedding, or any holiday, have you ever found yourself at a loss for words? Confused, not knowing what to write? Trust us, we’ve been there, and we get it. Sometimes we get lucky with a perfect message already embedded inside the card, but other times, we’re simply given a blank canvas to write whatever comes to mind first. Greeting card messages can be as general or personalized as you wish, especially if you’re not a wordsmith. People don’t expect the most, but it’s still good to put in some type of effort.
Let us make your lives a little bit easier. Here are go-to messages you can use for any occasion. Tip: you can either use these word for word or as a guide to add your own personalized touch. If you go through each category we’ve featured, you’ll find that you can actually mix and match messages across categories to create the perfect personalized message. Our message suggestions are a mixture of funny & sweet – the perfect combo!

“Another year older, another year wiser.”
“Wishing you all the best in life and hope to celebrate many more birthdays with you!”
“I hope your birthday wish comes true!”
“Wishing you a happy, healthy, and prosperous ___ year of life.”
“You don’t look a day over ____!”
“It feels like it was just yesterday that you were ___ years old.”
“May the magic of Christmas fill every corner of your heart and home with joy.”
“This is the only time of year where it’s acceptable to drink eggnog, so enjoy it while it lasts.”
“I hope your Christmas is merry and bright!”
“Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!”
“Merry Christmas! I hope Santa didn’t bring you coal this year.”
New Year:

“This is your year! Make it count.”
“Wishing you a healthy, happy, and fulfilling New Year.”
“I hope you end up being successful in accomplishing at least half of your New Year’s resolutions!”
“New year, new plans, & loads of new memories to be made.”
“Delighted to ring in the New Year with you! May we continue to make memories together.”
“It feels like it was just last year when I saw you last.”

“Congrats, Graduate! We’re so proud of you and your accomplishments!”
“May your experiences and efforts take you far in life.”
“You finally finished!”
“Congratulations on successfully finishing this chapter of your life! On to the next one.”
“How does it feel to own one of the most expensive pieces of paper? You should frame it.”

“Wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness together!”
“So happy to see that you’ve found each other.”
“May the start of your lives together be as memorable as the day you first met.”
“You two make the perfect pair!”
Mothers Day / Fathers Day (Applies to both!):
“There’s no one else in the world like you.”
“I’m grateful for everything you do for me.”
“You are one of a kind.”
“Thank you for passing on your knowledge and wisdom.”
Valentine’s Day:

Valentine’s Day is a doozy because you’re likely writing a card for someone you love, or someone you think you love. If you’re not a wordsmith, putting your feelings into words can feel impossible. Here are some simple suggestions.
“You’re a catch!”
“On a scale of 1-10, you’re an 11 in my book.”
“I love you to the moon and back!”
“On this day especially, I want you to know I love you and how grateful I am to have you in my life.”
Thank you:

“Thanks for being a great friend!”
“You are simply the best. What would I do without you?”
“Your thoughtfulness is what make this a success.”
“I appreciate your support. I couldn’t have done it without you.”
“Your support means the world to me! Thank you for being there.”
“Your hard work and dedication did not go unnoticed.”
Share your best message suggestions in the comments below. We may even add them to this post (with credit)!