Our Top Tips for Branding


When it comes to good branding, one may immediately think of the usual top contenders, such as Starbucks, Coca Cola and Nike. They sell desirable products, their logo is recognizable and everywhere you go, from banner ads, to television ads, to the shelves of the most popular chain stores. And lastly, they’re the most trusted and loved.

When we think of branding, we don’t really even have to look that far. Sure, Starbucks is a key player, but so are many of our own customers, who in fact, prove to us each day what it means to have a successful brand. Having seen a good example or two of successful branding, we’ve compiled together some of our top tips on how to create that memorable, loved brand we all aspire to have.

Our Top 5 Tips for Effective Branding:

  1. Get an effective logo – and make sure it looks good. Ensure your logo is catchy and conveys your business and message clearly.
  2. Be consistent with the look, colors, and sizing of your images and your logo. This will help you get recognized time and again.
  3. Advertise. Advertise effectively. Know your target market and advertise in such a way that it reaches them. Use the most powerful advertising tools available to you, and always keep track of your metrics and success. Remember, the more customers see your logo and advertisements, the more likely they are to remember you when they need your service or product!
  4. Be as clear as possible in your message and ads: what do you do, how do you do it differently, and what are you offering?
  5. Create credibility and trust – whether it’s a customer satisfaction guarantee or your personalized service, make sure your customers know that they will be taken care of and will ALWAYS get a quality product.

What are your best branding tips?

Nareh S.

With over 10 years of experience in content marketing and writing, Nareh enjoys creating content for blogs, websites, advertisements - just about anything you can think of. A self-proclaimed wordsmith, Nareh enjoys compelling, witty taglines and phrases. When not writing, Nareh enjoys traveling and eating a ridiculous amount of avocados.

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