Featuring Illustrated Cards

We adore our group of illustrators and artists, and love to see their work make their way through the production line, like a mini, mobile art gallery.

Their promotional material always seem to stand out – the beautiful illustrations, the attention to detail in the artwork, the choice of particular hues, meticulous consideration of layout and typography – rarely an element is overlooked. Below are a few examples of cards designed by our talented pool of illustrators that we thought we’d share.

illustrator business cards printed by gotprint.com

View with caution – Killer Napkins‘ work isn’t for the timid eye, but if you dare to stare, it’s well worth it. Concentrating on a somewhat grotesque subject matter, his illustrations are a mixture of what he likes to call “the cute and horrific.”

When placed next to each other, Killer Napkins’ business cards create a repeating picture of a frightening and unidentifiable creation of his own. Very unique!

illustrator business cards with round corners printed by gotprint

With her initials and contact details on one side, Robyn Ng reserves the other side of her business cards solely to showcase a part of an illustration of her own. 

illustrator postcards with round corners printed by gotprint

But Robyn doesn’t simply rely on business cards to create a buzz about her work – her customized postcards are just perfect for sending out to customers and colleagues. And what better subject matter for her mailers, than an oversized, fierce mailman towering over a small, barking dog?

illustrator and designer business cards square with round corners printed by GotPrint.com

And finally, illustrator and designer Liz Masters, who specializes in creature design and character development, shows there really is no better way to illustrate to everyone who you are as well as the work you do, than to provide an illustration of yourself on your business card!

Nareh S.

With over 10 years of experience in content marketing and writing, Nareh enjoys creating content for blogs, websites, advertisements - just about anything you can think of. A self-proclaimed wordsmith, Nareh enjoys compelling, witty taglines and phrases. When not writing, Nareh enjoys traveling and eating a ridiculous amount of avocados.

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