We have a very active following on Instagram, whether it be designers, business folk, and just about anyone that understands the power of great images that are visually appealing and clear. From taking beautiful landscape shots, to visually appealing images of food, to photographing everyday items like your business cards and your business, Instagram can be applied to personal and business use alike.

Molly, who started out at age 19, knows a thing or two about success and marketing. A self-made entrepreneur, she founded Venture Shorts with the focus of helping entrepreneurs take their businesses from startup to 6 figures. Having made her own success, she believes in the power of marketing in various ways. Whether it be traditional marketing methods such as handing out business cards to anyone she meets, or using Instagram to catch up with her fans, followers and her favorite printer (that’s us), a combination of different marketing strategies has worked well for her.
“A lot of people say that business cards are outdated but I disagree. On a daily basis, I am out and about getting coffee, or groceries, and people always ask me what I do for a living. When they do I hand them a card, let them know what I do, and tell them they can get free advice by checking out the website.”
Above, Molly has photographed her business cards, which display a picture of her, along with her business name, as a way to ensure her name, face, and cards, are top of mind even after she hands her potential customers her cards. By connecting on social media, she ensures she’s remembered.
Next, we came across Ethan Fender’s stylish business cards on Instagram. Who ever knew these little 2” x 3.5” cards could be so aesthetic?
A graphic designer from Ohio, Ethan is now the proud owner of his company, Courier Design Co. He’s focusing on logo design and illustration in order to help passionate companies grow and increase their value. Courier Design Co. represents order, strength, consistency and unity. The goal is to turn clients into friends and for them to equally increase value for not just Courier Design Co, but for others.
When we asked him his thoughts on Instagram, he offered this insightful response: “Instagram is an excellent program to showcase both a professional amount of work and some fun, relatable content. It’s an open opportunity to help people from all across the planet.”

Chris Fortunato, who can be found on Instagram @ChrisFortunatoPhoto, is a 22-year-old freelance photographer from Mesa, Arizona, who instantly fell in love with photography after taking photos with his aunt’s Nikon DSLR. And he hasn’t stopped or slowed down ever since! Taking every opportunity to learn different techniques as well as practice taking photographs to perfect his new passion, Chris also focuses on how to market himself using Instagram.
But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t need a set of business cards, either. Just take a look at this photograph of his cards that he sent us on the popular social media platform. By incorporating a combination of traditional marketing methods and social media, Chris hopes to turn his hobby into a business.
Are you on Instagram? Find us @GotPrint and send us your pictures and share your story with us!